"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Family-Centered Care

I would like to introduce you to my nephew.  He was born at 26 weeks weighing on 14 ounces and 10 inches long.  He is 15 months, a determined, energetic, strong willed, little boy. He gives love unconditionally. He shows me one thing every day -that nurses DO make a difference in the lives of patients and families. 

I have never had an experience of this magnitude, but I am so grateful to have had this experience since it helped shape me personally and in my nursing practice!

My passion about family centered care has been framed around this personal experience and that is why I want to share that …..

Patient centered care is good, BUT family-centered care is better.

Here is why:
1. Better patient outcomes
2. Decreased length of stay
3. Enhanced parent-infant attachment and bonding
Patient-Family-centered care is an approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care providers, patients, and families. This type of care acknowledges the vital role families play in ensuring health and well-being of the patient. For more information about family centered care click here.

Viewing the family as the child’s primary source of strength and support, family-centered care incorporates respect, information, choice, flexibility, empowerment, collaboration and support into all levels care.

One of the nurse’s most important roles is to provide support to the family. This is done by enabling and empowerment. Enabling is done by allowing them to use their current skills while learning and acquiring new skills.  Empowerment is done by giving them a sense of control and encouragement.

Family-centered care needs to be responsive to family needs and the the health care needs to be planned with the family.

If your wondering how to determine if you are providing this type of care here are some TIPS.....
  • If families are encouraged & supported to stay with their child when they are receiving health care services.
  • If parents are able to accompany & support their child during procedures
  • If  families receive the information and support they need and request
  • If families are invited to share their knowledge of their child and suggestions for their care
  • If families are allowed to participate in all of their child's care & become members of the care team.
So I challenge you to decide what type of care you would want to receive and ensure that is the care you are giving to others. Some times it is the smallest things that make the difference and can have a life long affect on a family!

Institute for Patient-and Family-Centered Care. (2013). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved from http://www.ipfcc.org/faq.html

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your touching story about your nephew. I can tell you are very passionate about Family Centered Care. At my place of employment, I work very closely with patients and thier families. I would agree that it is crucial to care for the family, like they are also your patient. Family centered care can truly impact our patient outcomes.
