"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson

Friday, February 15, 2013

Which do you want to be?

Are You A Manager Or A Leader?

Here is some information that will differentiate the two and then YOU can make the decision on which you want to be.

Managers focus on the coordination and integration of resources through planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling to accomplish goals and objectives. Leaders do all this, but in addition they influence people to accomplish goals and objectives (Huber, 2006).

Managers focus on tasks while leaders focus on the people.
Here is some differences between the roles.....
Martin Seidenfeld wrote an article called "Are you a manager or Leader?" and he makes some interesting points about leaders. 
  • Intelligence it important, but intelligence alone does not predict your ability to be a successful leader.
  • Emotional Intelligence really distinguishes a successful leader.
  • Self-awareness of strengths and weakness in order to change behavior style as needed.
  • "The ability to moderate their own behavior is the skill needed for effective self-management: great leaders don’t lose their cool under pressure"(Seidenfeld, n.d.).
  • Social awareness in order to see conflict approaching and to create a successful team
  • Relationship management
Leaders make themselves available to others.  They understand the importance of relationship building.  Teamwork and cohesiveness is what a leader will aim to achieve.
In order to become a successful leader focus on improving your emotional intelligence. This is not something you are born with, you have to work for it.
"One way to train yourself to become a great leader is to think of the best manager you ever had, the one who everybody liked and strove to do their best for. Try to analyze what there was about him that made him such a great leader" (Seidenfeld, n.d.).

To read more from this article click HERE.

I have worked with mangers and with leaders.  I think more gets accomplish with a leader approach.  The work environment is also more welcoming, friendly. and creative. I don't know about you, but I like to be involved is decision making, when possible rather than being told what to do and how. I understand there are time when that is appropriate, but I also think there are times when more input should be allowed.

I know I will continue to work on myself in order to become a successful leader.  I challenge YOU to do the same.

READY, SET, GO.............

Huber, D. (2006). Leadership and nursing care management (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier 
Seidenfeld, M. (n.d.). Are you a manager or a leader? Retrieved from http://www.alnmag.com/print/6161

1 comment:

  1. I think the difference between a manager and a leader is a big distinction to make. I have worked with both before and I can say from my personal experience that the leadership approach was more successful. With a management approach I often felt oppressed or as if I was simply a means to an end. In working with a leader I have felt encouraged, valued, appreciated and a part of something bigger than myself. There is great truth in the statement that you can be in a leader in any role. Even as a student I can strive to encourage and inspire others to accomplish their goals and work to the best of their abilities. Leadership qualities are not reserved for a select few. It is not something you are born being, but rather, as you pointed out, it is something you need to work towards every day.
