"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson

Friday, February 8, 2013


What's at Stake?

On Tuesday February 5, our Leadership class attended a round table discussion at the Densford Center at the University of Minnesota with Dr. Dan Pesut.

Dr. Dan Pesut showed a website called  ThePrimes.com, which I think is a very beneficial website with multiple videos for educational purposes.  They are not long, but they contain very useful and valuable information.
Chris McGoff states that the "whats at stake makes people go from the current state to a future state."  In order for people to want to change they need to focus on what is at stake.

In order to make a change or transformation, leaders need to motivate their employees and ensure that all learners are address. Mr McGoff refers to this as addressing the 3 kinds of listening.

The STAKE video shows the three basic ways that people listen:
  1. Analytical people listen with their Heads (brain)
  2. Emotional people listen with their Hearts
  3. Financially motivated people listen with their Wallets ($$$)
According to Chris McGoff (2011), "The CORE PRIME distinguishes five essential agreements people must make and maintain to achieve extraordinary results. Get it right, you pass. Get it wrong, you fail."
The five CORE agreements are:
  1. As Is — must agree on the current situation as is.
  2. Environment — must agree on what’s happening around them, which they’re unable to affect, but which will affect them.
  3. STAKE — must agree on what’s at stake if they stay where they are and don’t change.
  4. To Be — must agree on a vision of the future they desire.
  5. Strategy —Lastly, must agree on how to break out of the As Is and chart an irreversible course toward the To Be. 
According to Chris McGoff (2011) "before any change or transformation can occur, people must be convinced; therefore, the STAKE must operate on an organizational, community, and personal level."

I thought this video was very interesting, because it explains how we as  leaders should address others on each level analytical, emotional, and financial.  In order to make a change the 3 kinds of listening need to be included.  Stake conversations are made on a 3 tiered approach to motivate everyone. I thought it was interesting that the approach  in all 3 conversations should be from a negative and positive. If I wanted to make a change I would incorporate this approach to get the best outcome possible.  This will ensure that each member is addressed and respected in the process.
The Primes. (2011). Stake. Retrieved from http://theprimes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=96&Itemid=55&prime=43

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